Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dark equilibrium - Annno domini 3527

First of a new series of personal concepts. As usual, I like to fetch up a quick story that comes along :) So, here it is:

In a Medevial/Steampunk-like world of XXXV century, when humanity's sins greatly outweighed the deeds, ancient race of Guardians, that remained hidden for millenia, came onto Earth, and their nightmarish Wrath World, like a Biblical apocalypse, took over the land and the souls of humans, casting them into the Abyss of the Past. However, one Guardian stood in the defense of an innocent girl, with a pure heart, seeing in her the hope for humankind and proof that good still exists among human race. He saved her from being tossed into the Abyss and for his defiance was imprisoned in the deepest corners of the Wrath World. Ayia, with nothing to live for and aided by Guardian's last spell that allows her to be partially undetectable by the demons, undertakes the peril journey into the darkness to find her guardian angel, where she has to face a series of cruel tests and mind games. She doesn't realize that her sacrifice can yet change the fate of the entire human world..

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